Monday, November 26, 2007

First of Many...

Well, this is the first of many to come hopefully and I hope that I don't bore you all to pieces. While talking to one of my friends, Kym, last night, I realized that I too could set up a BLOG. I have been checking out a few and thought that it really cant be that hard, why not try it myself. So here it is.

With that being said...... Isn't God Great? Have you thought lately what a wonderful world we live in with all of its conveniences and luxuries, but that this is only a glimpse of what Heaven will be. WOW is all that I can say. Have you thought that we are such a blessed group of individuals to have the "things" that we have? I know that I for one take these "things" for granted. As I read in Elizabeths blog the other day, I too strive for the contentment of life.

Ok, Thanksgiving has come and gone and here we sit upon Christmas only 4 weeks from tomorrow. I haven't even begun to get any decorations out, much less anything else. I received a Christmas card/photo in the mail last week and it wasn't even Thanksgiving yet. Are we just going to start celebrating right after Labor Day next year? I don't think that I am up to that, I like having all 10 of my Federal Paid Holidays.

I hope that I didn't bore you too much this first time and if I did, I'm sorry. Setting this thing up has taken longer than anticipated and I need to make sure the little darlings are ready for bed, so I must go, however, please send your comments and feedback for what I need to do on this thing they call a BLOG.

In Him,
Kelly and Family


Elizabeth S said...

Hey! The blog looks great. Looking forward to catching up this way. Tell Joey hi!