Saturday, March 1, 2008

Good Day Mates...

I just wanted to brief you all on Gina's prognosis this evening. I spoke with grandmother several times today and she said that she had talked to my aunt Terry this morning and this afternoon. The doctors are saying that it is just a matter of time until Gina's body shuts completely down and that there is nothing more that they can do except keep her comfortable and without pain. My uncle Curt who lives in Michigan called Terry this morning and told her that she was going to have to make some very tough decisions over the next couple of days whether or not to take Gina off of the ventilator. Here is what we are facing, taking her off of the vent, we are looking at a day or two max that she will be able to live, on the other hand, leaving her on only prolongs the grim outlook of death. I hope that I never have to face this type of decision, whether or not to take my child off of life support. I know that we can only lean on God for help in these situations and that He will not put on us more than we can bear. Please continue to keep my family in your prayers and that my aunt Terry will be able to withstand all that she is dealing with.

Until next time,

In Him,
Kelly and family


Faithful Froggers said...

Oh Kelly, I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. I am praying without ceasing for your family.

Love & FROG,